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Aligning Your Professional Life to Your Core Values

Do you want to enjoy only two sevenths (2/7) of your life, or only slightly more? Of course, you want to enjoy as much of your life as you can. However, if you are working for the weekend, you are only looking forward to two days per week. Is that any way to live? You should enjoy your entire life and that is why aligning your core values to your Professional Life is so important. When you work at a job your love your life gets so much more brighter and lighter. Isn’t that what most people want? Don’t jump to conclusions. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to quit your job. It could mean you simply need to look at your job with a new and fresh perspective. Maybe you can bring some personal items to work to spruce up your work space. Maybe you can change up your work tasks a bit. Are you stuck in a rut? It could mean that you just need to take a long weekend to rejuvenate your mind and body and then the fresh perspective will show you that maybe your attitude is what was blocking you from noticing that you really do love your job. There are many ways you can do little things to align your professional life with your core values. In some circumstances you may need to change jobs eventually so that you can align your professional life with your core values. Before you quit your job, make sure you have a new job and a fresh perspective. You may need to do some research to find...

Steps to Aligning Your Personal Life to Your Core Values

Now that you have discovered your four core values, you want to get started aligning your life with your core values and start feeling more happiness in your life. Looking at your values and thinking about how to align your life with them may seem overwhelming and you may be afraid of the pain of the journey to be happy. This is a huge misunderstanding of how intentional life design and lifestyle design works. If you are going to have to make a big painful decision, you knew that before you discovered your four core values, you have just put off the final decision. For many it is really a journey of fine-tuning the details. Many things in your life so far have been really close to being in alignment with your core values, or were a ‘just for now’ choice that lingered too long, or a situation that you mis-read in some way. It happens, and it is time to take an honest look at how those things need to change to be what makes you happy. Don’t be drastic and jump in with both feet. Don’t be dramatic and try to be ‘over-the-top’. Just take some time to look at how things stand now and give your life a critical look in all areas, one at a time. Have you ever gone across the street from where you live and then looked at your house with a critical eye so that you can change out a few plants, change the color of the paint trim, or decide what maintenance you might have missed? Well, aligning your life...

Why the Rich and Famous Have Money Problems

  We often see headlines about the rich and famous and their money problems. They have other problems, too. We see headlines about drug issues and other addictions. We see headlines about abuse of power or a serious mistake in the quest for power. Why do these people who seem to have it all, struggle so much when the world should be their oyster? The answers lie in how they see themselves and if they see themselves at all. Money problems and most other problems aren’t about money, they are about core values, or a lacking understanding of core values. If you get this, understand this information, then you should be able to live a pretty trouble-free life. Problems stem from not knowing yourself and the best way to get to know yourself is to discover your core values. Those who know their core values have the confidence to make buying decisions and other decisions based on what will serve their needs and wants, rather than buying to impress others, feel cool, or have the latest designer item to compete with someone else. There is nothing wrong with having nice things, especially if they are of high quality or you really love the style, but those who buy, buy, buy are in trouble, especially if they are seeking some type of emotional satisfaction. Core values describe who you are. They are who you are despite of and regardless of any outside influence. No commercial, friend, trend, or media can influence who you are if you are living in alignment with your core values. It takes a little time and...

If You Know Your Core Values…

–If you know your core values, you can use them to develop your mission statement. Knowing your core values will help you to find the words to write a mission statement that inspires and empowers you to grow towards your mission and become the person you describe. Sometimes it is hard to find the words for how you feel inside, your core values gives you those words. –You will have a guideline for choosing between opportunities. Let’s face it, we have more opportunities than ever before, and it can all be confusing and overwheming. Knowing your core values will help you make the right choices for yourself. If it doesn’t fit into your values, it really isn’t a good fit for your time and your life. –You will be more likely to find the Mr./Ms. Right, because you will know who you are and who you are looking for. Knowing your core values helps you when looking for your potential life partner. The person you choose to share you life with should have the same values as yourself or complimentary values. If the person you are dating has not identified their core values yet, help them, it would be in your best interest as well as theirs. -You can align your career path to nuture who you are. If the company you work for has the same values as you or serves people with the same values, you are more likely to love what you do. Since we spend so many hours of our life working, doesn’t it make since to find a career path we love? If you...