(330) 699-4673

Here We Go….

These are the words at the beginning of the Peter Pan ride at Disneyland. Since I am embarking on a new adventure I thought this would be a great title. I am just learning, so please be patient and kind. The last few days I have been working on getting the electronic media going for my new book The Busy Mom’s Guide to Self Care. It has been trial and error, and I made a small mistake on facebook while someone was watching, but for all of you who will be stepping out to do this soon, I thought I would let you know that trial and error is okay. This blog is mostly going to be about Self Care topics and with other things on my mind thrown in from time to time. I saw a news story about Mommy Bloggers not disclosing when they get a benefit from a company when reviewing products and services, so although I am not receiving anything right now, if that happens I thought I would be prepared. If I get something I will let you know on the next blog. If something arrives at my door, I will let you know it arrived. If I post something positive about it in the next few weeks, you know it was a winner. If I never mention it again then you know it was not. I may sometimes give a ‘mixed review’ which means I would make suggestions as to what my preference would be for improvement. I think this is the fair way to handle things. My book The Busy Mom’s Guide...