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Do You Know Who You Can Count On?

So many individuals and families are in trouble right now. Many have lost their homes, their jobs, and their self esteem. Times seem really tough and many people are very afraid. It is in these times that you really need to know who you can count on. Many are hoping for relief. They are hoping that the government will come up with a plan and help them out of their troubles, after all that is what the government promised. Many are hoping the President of the United States will help them out in some way, that is what he promised. Those in trouble hope for help and keep looking everywhere for a hand up and out of the problems they are facing. For most the help has not come. There are times when circumstances are out of your control, however the person you need to be sure you can count on is yourself. Being self reliant is a great confidence builder. If you rely on your self and know your capablities, you will be less likely to over extend yourself financially and otherwise. If you are self reliant you will be disappointed with others less often, which makes it easier to be unconditionally accepting. Today is the day to start becoming the person you need to be – for...

Change Begins Within

Change, everyone wants something to change. The current President was voted in on a platform of change. Almost everyone wants someone, a leader to create positive change in our country and world. Fingers are pointing everywhere, YOU create the change I want! Something is missing and that is personal responsibility. For our country and world to change, each individual has to change. Each of us has to step up and be a leader in our own lives and in our own households. No outside influence can inflict change upon us, we need to be our own change agent for things to improve. If you want your economy to improve you need to do something about it on your own. You need to take charge of your life and your outcomes. It may be easy to pout and blame the economy for your situation, but you in some way you created the situation, and you in some way put our nation and world in the situation it is in. You need to change your habits, your beliefs, your perspective and your attitude for your well being and for your improved lifestyle, no one else can hand it to you. Where do you start? First you need to examine where things went wrong for you, what choices did you make that lead to anything in your life you are unhappy or uncomfortable about. What could you have done differently. Play the ‘what if…’ game. What if I had done this instead of what I did, how would it have lead to other opportunities? Second, based on your answers, make a strategic...


Do you have a secret? I think most people do and many might be horrified if someone found out. The effort and energy it takes to keep a secret, especially one that keeps popping up in your own mind is vast. It makes me wonder if secrets are worth keeping. Think about it. What is the risk of your secret really hurting you? Who would be upset if they found out and to what degree would they be upset? Is anyone in your life going to be more upset that you didn’t let them know or about the facts of the situation? In most situations the secret will come out eventually one way or another. Are you ready? The best way to handle secrets is to not keep them. The best secrets are about surprise parties and happy things for others. Secrets about your past keep you from moving forward with your life and prevent you from being who you were meant to be. Prepare yourself and those who the information may have an impact on and then, let your secret out, and do not keep any more secrets. Those secrets keep you from being able to Live the Life You...

Unmet Needs – The Roadblock to Your Success

Do you find that you often set goals and are unable to obtain them even with absolute effort? Do you find that the things you set out to do in life simply do not get done, even though you map out a plan and stick with it? Are you persistant, but it simply just does not pay off? You may have unmet needs that are sabotaging your success. Everybody has needs and not just basic needs, but there are a whole array of needs that provide the details of who we are as individuals. Unmet needs are high level motivators in the choices we make and the force behind our driven actions and behavior. If you are not acheiving your dreams then you need to define your unmet needs and take the responsiblity to meet those needs yourself. Once we become adults we are responsible for meeting our own needs, regardless if the adults in our lives met our needs when we were children. Here is an example of how to meet your own needs. Say you identified you had a need to be loved and accepted. A way to provide that for yourself is to join groups of people who share some of the same ideas and values as you do. You might consider joining a church, a networking group, a volunteer organization or a club based on an interest you have. From there you would go to the meetings, make new friends and form lasting relationships. You did not count on anyone else to decide which groups to join, who to get to know within the group,...