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If You Know Your Core Values…

If you know your core values, you can use them to develop your mission statement. Knowing your core values will help you to find the words to write a mission statement that inspires and empowers you to grow towards your mission and become the person you describe. Sometimes it is hard to find the words for how you feel inside, your core values gives you those words.

You will have a guideline for choosing between opportunities. Let’s face it, we have more opportunities than ever before, and it can all be confusing and overwheming. Knowing your core values will help you make the right choices for yourself. If it doesn’t fit into your values, it really isn’t a good fit for your time and your life.

You will be more likely to find the Mr./Ms. Right, because you will know who you are and who you are looking for. Knowing your core values helps you when looking for your potential life partner. The person you choose to share you life with should have the same values as yourself or complimentary values. If the person you are dating has not identified their core values yet, help them, it would be in your best interest as well as theirs.

-You can align your career path to nuture who you are. If the company you work for has the same values as you or serves people with the same values, you are more likely to love what you do. Since we spend so many hours of our life working, doesn’t it make since to find a career path we love? If you are feeling stress, overwhelmed, or simply hate your job, co-workers or the office environment you are now in, it could be that the values at work do not match your own. Look for something more in tune to who you are.

These are just a few ways knowing your core values will serve you. It is worth the time and effort to uncover your core values, because using that information to design your life will assist you to Live the Life You Love.