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Aligning Your Professional Life to Your Core Values

Do you want to enjoy only two sevenths (2/7) of your life, or only slightly more? Of course, you want to enjoy as much of your life as you can. However, if you are working for the weekend, you are only looking forward to two days per week. Is that any way to live? You should enjoy your entire life and that is why aligning your core values to your Professional Life is so important. When you work at a job your love your life gets so much more brighter and lighter. Isn’t that what most people want?

Don’t jump to conclusions. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to quit your job. It could mean you simply need to look at your job with a new and fresh perspective. Maybe you can bring some personal items to work to spruce up your work space. Maybe you can change up your work tasks a bit. Are you stuck in a rut? It could mean that you just need to take a long weekend to rejuvenate your mind and body and then the fresh perspective will show you that maybe your attitude is what was blocking you from noticing that you really do love your job. There are many ways you can do little things to align your professional life with your core values.

In some circumstances you may need to change jobs eventually so that you can align your professional life with your core values. Before you quit your job, make sure you have a new job and a fresh perspective. You may need to do some research to find a good fit with your core values and an organization. The goal here is to make your life better, so do not make your life worse by quitting your job and leaving yourself and your family at financial risk, or change jobs and then find out the new job doesn’t align with your core values from an internal perspective either. Investigate your options, and create a plan that will lead to a better situation.

For this purpose, I have created a guide to help you determine if the organization you work for is in alignment with your core values, or if you need to create a plan to align your professional life with your core values. Click on this link to download the guide: http://www.livethelifeyoulove.com/professional-life-core-values/

You can live a life you love. A significant part of intentionally designing your life and lifestyle is aligning your core values with your professional life. It might sound like a daunting task, but it really isn’t that difficult. It doesn’t mean you will love every minute of every day, but you can enjoy most of your work life and look forward to going to work most days. This isn’t about perfection, this is about feeling successful and fulfilled. This is about your happiness.

Take action now to start the journey to live the life you love. Procrastination will just leave you living a life of settling for less. If you are willing to do the work, you can have what you want out of life and live the lifestyle that matters most to you. You just have to be willing to follow through and willing to say yes to what is best for you.

In case you missed it, here is a link to download the tool that helps you discover your core values. http://www.livethelifeyoulove.com/tru-values-program/

It is amazing how this simple tool can help you open the doors to true happiness in your life. Most find the journey of aligning their life to their core values rewarding and pleasing. Try it. It is all about you and your happiness.