(330) 699-4673

Unmet Needs – The Roadblock to Your Success

Do you find that you often set goals and are unable to obtain them even with absolute effort? Do you find that the things you set out to do in life simply do not get done, even though you map out a plan and stick with it? Are you persistant, but it simply just does not pay off? You may have unmet needs that are sabotaging your success. Everybody has needs and not just basic needs, but there are a whole array of needs that provide the details of who we are as individuals. Unmet needs are high level motivators in the choices we make and the force behind our driven actions and behavior. If you are not acheiving your dreams then you need to define your unmet needs and take the responsiblity to meet those needs yourself. Once we become adults we are responsible for meeting our own needs, regardless if the adults in our lives met our needs when we were children. Here is an example of how to meet your own needs. Say you identified you had a need to be loved and accepted. A way to provide that for yourself is to join groups of people who share some of the same ideas and values as you do. You might consider joining a church, a networking group, a volunteer organization or a club based on an interest you have. From there you would go to the meetings, make new friends and form lasting relationships. You did not count on anyone else to decide which groups to join, who to get to know within the group,...

The Sound of Music

We have all used music from time to time to set the mood, but there are times to use music to make your environment match who you are. These are situations that we do not think about, but could make our day so much better, and make our stress levels decline. Music is empowering, can enhance performance, bring back memories, and just make your day a little brighter. Have you guessed what I am talking about? I am talking about playing music in your office. For most of us unless the office pipes in music, we do not think about providing our own. Music in the office is a great way to nurture yourself while you work. What type of music would you use at work to keep your stress down and peak your performance? For me it is a balance of what I like and what provides a great rhythm for my personal work beat. Many times, I change the type of music to suit my mood and to blend nicely with the type of work I am performing. For example, I play soft classical music or new age music when I am actually working with clients, to help me keep my energy, emotions and focus balanced. If I am completing paperwork that needs high levels of concentration, I avoid listening to music with words. If I am performing routine tasks, such as filing, or going through email, then I play faster up beat music, similar to what I would choose to listen to while cleaning the house. So what my mind needs, or wants dictates the type...